God gave the Jews a religious system of sacrifice and ceremony in order to help them see the nature of their Messiah, the Christ (Jesus), who would be the epitome both of their sacrificial system (He was the Lamb of God slaughtered for their sins) and their ceremonial system (He was the anti-type, or fulfillment, for each of their Feasts; e.g., Christ, our Passover.)
In their religious practices, however, the Jews became more enamored with style than with substance; i.e., empty tradition. They used their system of religious laws to create a man-made self-righteousness that enabled them to feel superior over the Gentiles (who had not been so privileged as to have God speak directly to them and to give them His Commandments.)
As a result of their abusing the laws God had given them, these laws--their religious system--actually became a snare to them so that when their Messiah (Jesus) arrived, they could not recognize and honor Him (Ro 11:9). In their self-righteousness, the Jews had ceased to be a showcase demonstrating the righteousness of God. God then took away their privilege of being His spokesman to evangelize the unbelieving world.
Romans 11 presents a vivid illustration: the Jews are God's special olive tree. The Gentiles are a wild olive tree. The Jews, and their man-made religious system, are broken off the tree and the Gentile church is grafted in. The roots are Jewish.
The warning to the church is to beware of the snare that befell the Jews; i.e., do not use the church system as a man-made religion with empty rituals and traditions that enable the participants to appear righteous and thus feel superior to those who are not part of their religious system.
Romans 11 presents a vivid illustration: the Jews are God's special olive tree. The Gentiles are a wild olive tree. The Jews, and their man-made religious system, are broken off the tree and the Gentile church is grafted in. The roots are Jewish.
The warning to the church is to beware of the snare that befell the Jews; i.e., do not use the church system as a man-made religion with empty rituals and traditions that enable the participants to appear righteous and thus feel superior to those who are not part of their religious system.
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