In order to better understand Romans 9, one should take a quick look at Romans, chapters 9-11: God chose Abraham and his progeny, the Israelites (Jews), to be His special people--they would receive His Commandments, live by them, and demonstrate the righteousness of God to the world around them so that the Gentiles, too, might come to know the one true God.
The Israelites, however, abused this privilege. Instead of being used by God as a showcase for the righteousness of God, they became arrogant and self-righteous for being God's "Chosen People." Their outward righteousness, but inner rebellion against God, is best seen in their hatred for God's Son, Jesus. Therefore, God removed their privilege of being His showcase for Godliness and He gave this privilege to another group--the church--made up of both Jew and Gentile.
Romans 9 explains that no one was ever saved (from his own sin and from God's wrath in judgment on that sin) just because he was a descendant of Abraham (an Israelite, a Jew). Abraham's "true" children, whether Jew or Gentile, are those individuals who share Abraham's faith in the one true God--they believe what God says as Abraham believed God.
Romans 9 explains that no one was ever saved (from his own sin and from God's wrath in judgment on that sin) just because he was a descendant of Abraham (an Israelite, a Jew). Abraham's "true" children, whether Jew or Gentile, are those individuals who share Abraham's faith in the one true God--they believe what God says as Abraham believed God.
To illustrate this truth, the Apostle Paul points out that Abraham's son Isaac shared Abraham's faith and followed God while Abraham's son Ishmael did not; Abraham's grandson Jacob had faith and followed God, while his twin brother Esau did not. No person has ever been saved because of his family ancestry--it is not by blood (John 1:13) but by believing God.
A distinction must be made between the nation of Israel, which was "chosen" to showcase God's righteousness, and the individual, whether Jew or Gentile, known as "chosen" because of his faith. The individual that believes God and follows God is saved; he is Abraham's child and a child of God. He attains this status by God's mercy. As salvation is not by blood, neither is it by works--good deeds--so that no one can boast. (Ro 9; Jn 1:12-13; Ep 2:8-9).
Anyone who is saved should be on his face before God in amazement, humility and gratitude!
A distinction must be made between the nation of Israel, which was "chosen" to showcase God's righteousness, and the individual, whether Jew or Gentile, known as "chosen" because of his faith. The individual that believes God and follows God is saved; he is Abraham's child and a child of God. He attains this status by God's mercy. As salvation is not by blood, neither is it by works--good deeds--so that no one can boast. (Ro 9; Jn 1:12-13; Ep 2:8-9).
Anyone who is saved should be on his face before God in amazement, humility and gratitude!
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