Sunday, August 30, 2009

Romans 12--A Living Sacrifice

In view of all that God has done to bring salvation to His people, both Jew and Gentile, should His people not serve Him?

Romans 12 opens by instructing the brethren to live in holiness, to "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy...." (Ro 12:1). In order to do this sacrificial life of holiness, the believer must turn away from the pressures of the culture to sin (See also 1 John 2:15--17).

Romans 12:2 instructs: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...." Instead of filling his mind with television, internet, music, magazines, newspapers, etc., the believer is to renew and refresh his mind by reading and meditating on the Word of God (See also Joshua 1:8).

Believers ought to think, act, speak, dress, in a way that is very different from the world; i.e., the culture around them. Therefore, they (as non-conformists) will experience persecution from those who live in conformity with the culture. However, beievers should be able to find solace and encouragement in the presence of fellow believers who share in their life of holiness. Believers are even given special spiritual gifts to enable them to minister to each other.

The church, as a body of believers, ought to be known for true righteousness and for love of the brethren for each other. Otherwise, it is no different from the rest of the culture; and, instead of encouraging holiness in the individual believer, it will persecute that believer much as the world in general persecutes anyone who does not go along with its dictates.

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